Drunk driving, an invitation to your death and death of others....by Brij Bhushan Goyal
Chandigarh: The Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018 mandate manufacturers to write on alcohol bottles: “ Consumption of alcohol is injurious to health. Stay safe and do not drive after drinking alcohol ”.
It was clarified that the font size of the legal warning on the bottles in the English language will not be less than 3 mm. It can also be written in the regional language.
Unfortunately, the state policy of freely facilitating the manufacture and sale of liquor has automatically encouraged the habit of drinking alcohol. The government has to earn maximum excise revenue by facilitating the sale of liquor.
The sale of illicit liquor is also increasing rapidly. They do not care that if you drive drunk, it leads to the death of your loved ones in accidents. The government holds you responsible for accidents.
It seems easy to ignore this issue, but that is not true. Driving under the influence of alcohol is an invitation to our death and the death of others.
Many people die in accidents caused by drinking and driving. Private car in Self-driving, Hired drivers, and A taxi cab driver, whoever he is, if he has consumed alcohol before driving on the road, then that driver is solely responsible for any accident that occurs.
It has been observed that often the same drivers are people who drink even if they only have half a pint. Unfortunately, a new trend has emerged these days.
Young people drink a lot of alcohol in celebration parties. But when they return home, Never reach home due to death in serious road accidents.Thousands of deaths occur every day in the world due to accidents caused by drunk drivers .
Those who start drinking alcohol in childhood have a seven times higher rate of death due to accidents . They forget how alcohol will disrupt their mental balance and then they may have to face the terrible consequences of accidents .
How does drunk driving affect vehicle control ?
There is never a ' safe ' amount of alcohol to drink. The driver must have full concentration while driving. In complex situations, Road safety requires quick decision-making.
Alcohol enters the bloodstream of a drunk driver and impairs his ability to control the vehicle. A person's body and metabolic rate ( BAC level ) determines how quickly alcohol actually enters his bloodstream and how quickly he loses control of the vehicle.
Gender, age , weight, fatigue level or tolerance to alcohol BAC levels can affect readings.
People often fail to analyze themselves to see how alcohol affects them adversely and can hinder safe driving. Just as your body uses more energy at different times of the day, that time of day can also affect the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol.
In general, men and women absorb alcohol at different rates. Being older or younger can affect how much alcohol your body can absorb. Your size , weight, and body fat percentage can affect how quickly your body absorbs alcohol.
Many medical conditions and medications can also affect how your body absorbs alcohol. Food can slow the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol , but it will not guarantee that you will be below the BAC level limit.
Each person's body absorbs alcohol differently, and the BAC level is essentially a measure of the amount of alcohol in the blood.
A driver's BAC level is measured through a simple breathalyzer test. According to studies, the level of alcohol absorbed into the blood affects:
1) If you drive after drinking just a pint of whiskey or a couple of beers, the BAC content level is 0.02 % , which causes loss of judgment in your driving and driving control while driving - it is difficult for you to do two things at the same time . Sometimes we are not even aware of the alcohol strength of whiskey and We put ourselves at risk of accidents by drinking alcohol foolishly .
2) If you drink three beers, the BAC content is .05% , which reduces your coordination , reduces your ability to see or locate lights properly , and also reduces your ability to judge distances. You have difficulty recognizing vehicles and other objects in front of you and lose control of the steering wheel . The tendency to take risks increases. , Which is a fatal trend for a driver .
3) A driver who drinks four beers has a BAC level of 0.08% and that driver cannot control the speed of the vehicle and his brain does not process other information and reasoning.
The ability to judge distances decreases, sensitivity to red lights weakens , and reactions slow down. Drivers at a BAC level of 0.08 are five times more likely to have an accident.
4) A driver who drinks five beers has a BAC content of 0.10% , and starts to become intoxicated. Overestimating one's abilities, driving recklessly, impairs peripheral vision and awareness of obstacles.
Drivers are 10 times more likely to have an accident. And such a driver's reaction time in any situation is greatly reduced and he finds it difficult to stay in his lane and he also has difficulty in applying the brakes.
5) If a driver drinks seven beer bottles, his BAC content is 0.15%. He has serious difficulty controlling the motor or car and cannot focus on driving at all .
Be responsible - avoid drinking and driving to save your life and the lives of others
Alcohol - Just one sip is enough to cause destruction. People talk about drinking only a little at parties, but no one goes to parties to drink a little, we often end up in a group.
They forget that alcohol also has the same addiction as any other drug. Alcohol addiction also causes destruction just like any other drug addiction.
Be responsible. If you have drunk alcohol, do not drive. Excessive uncontrolled drinking also damages our liver and kidneys very badly, which is another complete topic to understand.
December 30, 2024

Brij Bhushan Goyal, Senior Citizen and a Social Activist
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