Chandigarh: Door to Door waste collectors back to work; called off strike
Babushahi Bureau
Chandigarh, January 1, 2025: The Door-to-Door waste collectors have called off their strike and joined their routine work. They held a meeting with the authorities of Municipal Corporation and requested to hold the decision on their main demand i.e. remunerations on DC rates to the waste collectors working in commercial areas of the city.
As per the discussions held, the MC authorities assured them for accepting their genuine demands and re-assessment of the commercial sites as how many unites are being covered by an individual waste collector and how much time is required to complete the same work and after the final data prepared by the MCC authorities.In addition to that the door-to-door waste collectors also demanded not to implement ‘No work, No pay’ for the waste collectors.
During the meeting it was mutually agreed to re-access the data of waste collectors working in commercial areas and final decision will be taken keeping in view the larger interest of city beauty.
Municipal Commissioner Sh. Amit Kumar, IAS, asked the Joint Commissioner to prepare data immediately from the field and assessment report be put up for the final decision in this regard.