3 mobiles among 7 banned items packet tossed into Ferozepur jail
Ferozepur, December 5, 2023: Three mobiles among the seven banned items were found in the packet thrown over the high walls of the central jail fitted with barbered wire by unknown person and a case against the unknown persons has been registered.
However, the vigil jail staff has thwarted various attempts with recovery of mobiles to avoid its misuse from inside the jail.
This is not the first time, in the past also there had been incident of throwing of packets with recovery of mobiles and other banned items. The jail wall is opened from two sides and on the other side is the front mall road and touching the high rising buildings. This time throwing of packets in the day light around 9.30 am speaks of weak security arrangements at the open space when a packet wrapped in yellow tape, containing the banned item was found near tower number 4. On its opening, as many as, seven banned items were recovered on opening the packet thrown over the high walls of the jail, like one mobile touch screen without SIM card, two mobiles key-pad without SIM card, 2 ear-phones, 2 data cables, one charger, 10 Brufen tablets, 65 gm intoxicant powder.
During the 2023, so far 427 mobiles – in January 46, February 61, March 55, April 45, May 21, June 28, July 11, August 29, September 28, October 59, November 35 and December 9 including three to today.
Criminals are locked up to protect communities from their actions – so it is unacceptable for them to continue their life of crime behind bars. The number of mobile phones inside has increased massively in the past, with most commentators attributing the poor security arrangements at the entry point. Given the regular recovery of mobiles and other banned items from the jail, there is a need to intensify the security measures to prevent prisoners from having access to mobile phones.
Meanwhile, a case has been registered against the unknown person under NDPS Act and Prisons Act on the complaint of Jasvir Singh, Assistant Superintendent and further investigations are with Paramjit Kaur, IO.